I am an interdisciplinary conservation scientist with an interest in community ecology, animal behavior, anthropology of human-environment relationships, and policy. I follow both a socio-ecological systems and a biocultural approach. My long-term projects include the restoration and rewilding of the "espinal" Chilean silvopastoral system, and multifunctional community-led wetland conservation in the Po Delta, Italy.
I am also involved in a number of interdisciplinary collaborations linking natural history, biology, anthropology and art, with the Aarhus University Research on the Anthropocene group, of which I was formerly a member.
As part of my research on conservation in Chile, I am currently working on two projects in addition to this one. One is funded by the National Geographic Society and focuses on building local capacity to conserve rare frogs. I am also starting a project on the conservation and management decisions of farmers in central Chile.
I grew up in Michigan where I enjoyed all the animals in our backyard. Since then I have lived in the UK, Chile, Denmark, and I now live in Paris, France.
November 2013