I advocate and practise Open Science. I’m a student in molecular biotechnology with a specialization in integrative neuroscience. From biophysics to cognitive neuroscience. During my studies I had the possibility to deepen the understanding of neuroscience across several layers of complexity: from the fundamental biological level to its many social dimensions. Neuroscience is becoming essential by the day to understand our evolving behavior as individuals and as a species. It’s a focus lens with a wide range of applications from personal growth to economics and politics. My main research interests have been the role of a particular class of molecular allostatic modulators in the outcome of complex psychosocial stress responses. My mentor has been Professor Benedetto Sacchetti, who introduced me to the study of the biological underpinnings of memory and emotion, especially the mechanisms of aversive and appetitive memories. On the spare time I study metastability and mechanisms of coordination dynamics of human brains working together in social settings.
June 2013