Jason R. Finley

Jason R. Finley

Jun 17, 2016

Group 6 Copy 87

Ongoing data analysis!

Here’s a fun photo documenting my work of recent weeks, organizing and making sense of over 100 variables (i.e., questions we asked in our survey).  Using a combination of high-tech tools (e.g., principal components analysis conducted using statistical software) and low-tech tools (paper and pencil, which help overcome limitations to human working memory) and human intelligence informed by theory and experience.


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About This Project

We humans have always used our surroundings to extend our memory. But is the technology of today enhancing human memory, or replacing it? We plan to gather survey data and run internet-based psychology experiments to find out:
How are people currently using technology for memory purposes?
How well do people understand the technology and their reliance on it?
Are there ways to improve the interplay between technology and human memory?
Blast off!

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A computer science project funded by 55 people

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