How we got here
If you read our team bio you know that we have worked together in projects related to water resources since 2014. Our previous teamwork turned out to be very successful in producing applicable results, as well as allowing each of us to present part of our findings in relevant conferences such as the Geological Society of America annual meeting in 2015. Our abstract for GSA 2015 A Bi-National Approach To Education And Research: An Assessment Of Surface Water And Groundwater Resources In The San Miguel De Allende Region, Guanajuato, Mexico brought us to, as we were contacted by them regarding the work we presented then.
Before we knew about Experiment we have been discussing possible ways to keep working together, as it is getting increasingly difficult to obtain funding for research. In our particular case, the difficulty comes also from the fact that we are all pursuing our degrees in different universities, and some of us are even in a different country.
We are extremely excited to continue our contributions to the water resources knowledge with this project, as we think the most relevant topic to study in our time concerns the availability and preservation of water resources for sustainable use in the present and the future. We kindly ask for your support in this endeavor!
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