Samantha Straus

Samantha Straus

Oct 05, 2016

Group 6 Copy 175

See how we work

A crucial part of researching social spiders is measuring and recording nest dimensions. The fact they they are three-dimensional means we have to always take into account how the nests scale as they grow.

My trusty field assistant, Emily, is taking measurements while I draw a sketch of the nest.

These measurements will be used to estimate the material cost of web-building to social spiders belonging to nests of different sizes.

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About This Project

Sociality in spiders is extremely rare, but it has evolved several times. This begs the question: why be social? I aim to answer this by using social spiders found in Ecuador. I will determine the benefits and costs of sociality by measuring prey capture rates and parasite loads for four different species with varying levels of sociality. As social beings ourselves, we can understand social behaviour and cooperation by studying these unique spiders.

Blast off!

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