The Bio-logging Grant Program is designed to support and encourage the next generation of idea-makers and boundary-pushers to create and test new bio-logging tools. Researchers use bio-log tags to shine a light on animals across ecosystems, habitats, and conservation needs.  As technology drives the advancement and miniaturization of sensors, new opportunities arise to study novel species and explore the lives of animals in ways that are otherwise untenable.

Apply for this grant

Total Funding


Submission Deadline

Mar 31, 2025

About This Grant

Since the first bio-logging tags were developed in the 1960s, technology, innovation, and engineering have combined to push forward our ability to create animal-borne tags that contain a myriad of sensors to understand the lives of individual animals and sample the habitats in which they live.  From the largest whales to the smallest insects, bio-logging tags are now capable of helping us understand the lives and needs of animals, how they interact with one another and their environment, and are at risk from disturbance.  We are seeking creative and outside-the-box thinkers to help design the next generation of bio-logging tags and bring new capacities to the field.

Who Should Apply:

  • We invite proposals that aim to tackle existing challenges in the bio-logging field through new tag design, sensor developing, attachment/deployment mechanism, data storage and transfer, and more. 
  • We are also interested in projects that push the boundaries of what is currently known and used for bio-logging tags, that are high-risk/high-reward.
  • We have a preference to fund marine-based bio-logging innovation. However, proposals for general innovations that improve the entire field of bio-logging are also welcome.
  • All projects should address a specific limitation in the field that can be articulated and show how this can be overcome through an award. 
  • All proposals that include working directly with animals must have a current IACUC or similar animal-care research permit.

Grant Officers

How It Works

ROLLING SUBMISSIONS:  The goal of this small, fast grant program is to get these projects off the ground quickly. Projects will be reviewed on a rolling basis, until the end of the submission window or until the funding has been fully allocated, whichever comes first.  

Projects will not be considered for the grant until they have gone through the review process and been approved per those requirements. This can take some time, so please don't wait until the grant deadline to submit. The sooner you start your project and get it approved by the Experiment team, the better your chances of receiving funding (use the "start a project" link below).

All projects that are successfully approved by, regardless of whether they are allocated any funding through the grant, will launch their campaigns on or after March 10, 2025.


FUNDING STRATEGIES: For projects that are allocated grant funds, the award size will be between $500-$10,000. All projects are projects, which means they are also eligible for crowdfunding and run on an all-or-nothing funding model. We encourage every researcher to plan for and implement a crowdfunding campaign, as not all projects will receive grants and not all grants will cover the full budget of a project. Projects which receive awards that only partially fund their target budget will need to crowdfund the remainder of their budget in order to receive any funding, in accordance with the all-or-nothing funding model. You may wish to consider the use of Stretch Goals in your project for a greater chance of meeting your minimum target budget and receiving any funding. Funding discretion rests with the Science Angel.